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Monday, April 26, 2010

Getting Things Started

Okay, the world is quickly falling apart and nobody seems to know how to fix it. It has come to my attention that the reason for most of these problems is a basic deception about the organization of the universe.

What we do is affected by who we are. Who we are is affected by what we are. And what we are is decided from where we came from. Therefore, it is imperative that I attempt to educate this world about its origins, which it seems to have forgotten.

The answers I give may be suprising to you. They are not what you have been taught in school. Now, of course you may be cautious about accepting these truths right away. Some of you readers might even react angrily against them. Before you spam my blog with angry complaints and predictable unfounded counters, however, I would like you to ask yourself "why am I angry about this?"

Thank you for reading this introduction. Now lets get things started!

-A Smart Person

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